Sports Medicine for Foot and Ankle

Sports medicine focuses on preventing and treating injuries related to physical activity.

Understanding how to care for your feet and ankles while engaging in sports can help prevent injuries and optimize performance. Our team at Sole Foot & Ankle is here to help you find a solution so you can return to your normal activity.

Risk Factors:

Several factors may increase the risk of developing foot and ankle injuries in sports including: overuse or repetitive stress, poor footwear, inadequate warm-up or cool-down, muscle imbalances, previous injuries, sudden changes in training intensity.


Common symptoms include: pain or tenderness, swelling, bruising, difficulty bearing weight, instability, reduced range of motion.


Common sports injuries are typically diagnosed based on physical examination, imaging tests (X-rays, MRI, CT scan), assessment of range of motion and strength.


To prevent developing foot and ankle injuries in sports, you can: proper warm-up and cool-down routines, wear appropriate footwear for your sport, gradual progression in training intensity, strengthening and conditioning exercises, listen to your body and avoid overtraining, maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated.

Treatment Options:

Treatment for foot and ankle injuries in sports may include: rest/ ice/ compression/ elevation (RICE), physical therapy, bracing or taping, anti-inflammatory medications, corticosteroid injections, surgery in severe cases.

  • Proper warm-up, wearing suitable footwear, gradual training progression, and strength exercises can help prevent injuries.

  • If you experience severe pain, swelling, inability to bear weight, or persistent symptoms, it's important to consult a healthcare provider for evaluation.

  • It's best to rest and allow the injury to heal properly to prevent it from worsening. Consult with a healthcare provider for guidance on when it's safe to resume activity.

  • Recovery time varies depending on the type and severity of the injury. Following your healthcare provider's treatment plan and guidelines can help optimize healing and recovery.