Flat feet, or pes planus, is when the soles of the feet have a very low or absent arch, causing them to fully touch the floor when standing. In some people, this can lead to foot pain, particularly in the heel or arch area during activity.

Treatment Options:

Treatment for flat feet may include: orthotic inserts, arch-supporting shoes, foot and achilles tendon stretches, physical therapy, weight management.

  • Not if there's no discomfort, but supportive footwear can prevent future issues.

  • Yes, some children develop arches as they grow.

Risk Factors:

Several factors may increase the risk of developing flat feet, or pes planus, including: hereditary factors, weak arches, injury, arthritis, obesity, diabetes.


Common symptoms include:  arch or heel pain, swollen ankles, feet fatigue easily


Flat feet, or pes planus, is typically diagnosed based on examination of the feet's arches and wear patterns on shoes, possibly supplemented by imaging tests.


To prevent flat feet, or reduce the risk of pain recurrence, you can: wear supportive footwear, maintain a healthy weight, and practice regular foot-strengthening exercises.