Lower Extremity Wound Care

Proper care of wounds on the lower extremities is crucial for preventing infections and promoting healing.

Risk Factors:

Risk factors include: diabetes, peripheral artery disease, venous insufficiency, immobility, poor circulation, previous wounds, smoking.


Common symptoms include: open sores or ulcers, redness, swelling, pain, foul odor or discharge.


Ingrown toenail is typically diagnosed with a physical exam, wound assessment, tests for underlying conditions.


To reduce the risk of recurrence, you can: maintain foot hygiene, regularly inspect feet, manage underlying conditions, wear proper footwear, avoid prolonged pressure.

Treatment Options:

Treatment for lower extremity wound care may include: debridement, dressing changes, compression therapy, offloading pressure, antibiotics, and surgery. Your doctor will provide treatment depending on the severity of the wound.

  • Prevents infections and promotes healing.

  • Healing time varies; follow healthcare provider's guidance.

  • Minor wounds yes, but seek medical help for deep or infected wounds.

  • Regular foot care, manage health conditions, wear proper footwear.