Dermatological Care for Feet

Dermatological conditions affecting the feet can range from common issues like fungal infections to more serious conditions like skin cancer.

Understanding these conditions, their symptoms, and treatments is essential for maintaining healthy skin on your feet. Our medical team is here to help you with all your foot & ankle needs— including skin conditions. that may cause discomfort or pain.

Risk Factors:

Several factors may increase the risk of developing dermatological conditions including: poor foot hygiene, excessive moisture or sweating, trauma or injury to the skin, weakened immune system, diabetes, family history of skin conditions, prolonged sun exposure.


Common symptoms include: itching or burning, redness or inflammation, peeling or flaking skin, blisters or sores, thickened or discolored nails, skin growths or lesions.


Dermatological conditions are typically diagnosed with visual examination, skin scraping for fungal infections, biopsy for suspicious lesions, allergy testing for contact dermatitis.


To prevent dermatological conditions or reduce the risk of recurrence, you can: keep feet clean and dry, wear breathable footwear and moisture-wicking socks, avoid walking barefoot in public areas, protect feet from excessive sun exposure, promptly treat any cuts or injuries to the skin, regularly inspect your feet for any changes or abnormalities.

Treatment Options:

Treatment for dermatological conditions may include: topical antifungal creams, oral medications for severe infections, moisturizing creams or ointments, cryotherapy for warts, surgical removal of growths or lesions, phototherapy for certain skin conditions.

  • Mild cases may respond to over-the-counter antifungal treatments, but persistent or severe infections may require prescription medications.

  • Keep your feet dry, wear clean socks, and avoid sharing shoes or towels with others to prevent athlete's foot.

  • Not all skin growths are cancerous, but it's important to have any new or changing growths evaluated by a healthcare provider to rule out skin cancer.

  • Seek medical attention promptly if you notice any new or changing moles, as early detection of skin cancer is crucial for successful treatment.